Ray, Connie and Kim kiss and make-up!!

Started by Josh, April 08, 2009, 07:18:36 PM

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All is good here. I promise I wasn't calling the entire gang at CHFB a bunch of suckups. I actually have friends there. Sorry if I made it seem I was painting with a broad brush. I just get sooooo tired of RF apologists and I have no doubt they are just as tired of me.

Sincerely... in an unforgivably jerky way,
Cine- (Jeesh that's a bad nickname)
D'Entre les Morts,



Thanks, Cinejollity.

All best from here, too.

The Drunken Severed Head

Nice to see that civility reigns in this thread. When it was getting hotter, I was composing a message about the situation. I'm going to post it anyway, but when you read it keep in mind that I thought a fight might soon break out! ;) I post it as a cautionary note.

Quote from: fmofmpls on April 23, 2009, 05:33:20 PM
Just for the record, I consider the CHFB part of our network of allies. The folks who run that board are good people, and I consider them my monster kid friends. That being said, this community is still allowed to speak freely about likes and dislikes regarding the CHFB, Ray Ferry, and even Uncle Forry without any repercussions. This is only fair. But please keep in mind, what happened to Uncle Forry was anything but fair. If you speak well of Ray Ferry, you do so at your own risk. It takes a nation of millions to hold us back.  ;)

Hear, hear.

I hope all posters here will be civil. As a moderator, I'm as willing to enforce basic decency and civility here as the mods of CHFB are at their site.

BOTH the UMA and the CHFB allow differing opinions to be heard. As it happens, for whatever reason, there are a good number of Ferry fans who post at the CHFB, just as most of the posters here (including me) are Forry fans.

A lot more debate on the subject has happened at the CHFB than at the UMA. This is because the CHFB has been around longer and, like the UMA, has strived to allow all opinions to be heard. If the "sides" tip one way at one site and differently at another, that is not the fault of the mods in either place.

"And the general Kumbaya attitude for a guy who lost a court battle to FJA, continued to publish a magazine and make money, yet didn't pay the judgement, bewilders me."

That's partly because that site has had innumerable flame wars for YEARS over the issue. They're tired of it, and I can't say I blame them. I wish the links that were posted here at the UMA to the libelous, vicious remarks Ray and Connie have made against Forry had been posted at the CHFB. In fact, I was tempted to, but decided against it; it was enough that they were posted here. If some at the CHFB want to say nice things about Ferry, and if others there are glad that there is no more fight over Ferry's use of the FM, well, it's no skin off my nose.

The mods here are all fans and friends of Forry.  To tell the truth, I personally dislike  Ray and Connie  because of the scurrilous libeling they committed against Forry. BUT-- even though Terry joked "If you speak well of Ray Ferry, you do so at your own risk," we will not allow differences of opinion to get nasty here. No threats or rumors against the person of Ray Ferry--they'll be deleted. We won't stoop to that level. Bottom line: Differences of opinion, and strong opinions, are allowed here from anyone--including Ferry fans, if we have any. Even restatement of an opinion! But ENDLESS repetitions of red-hot opinion by a few posters JUST WON'T BE ALLOWED HERE. To be perfectly honest, IMHO we've allowed a little too much bitching already. I don't like Ferry, as I said, but a thread that goes on for pages bashing one guy doesn't make the UMA a better place.

Ironically, David Colton (taraco) of the CHFB mods is much like Forry. I know him, and admire his civility, his enthusiasm, and generosity to others, qualities I admired in Forry. I believe the other mods are also good, decent people trying to do the best job they can.

A mag named Famous Monsters is going to be published under the direction of Phil Kim, who buried the hatchet with Ray Ferry. Ferry will publish other (if similar) mags. That's news. It is only fair to allow that fact to be stated and examined without fights between members here. PLEASE!

The Drunken Severed Head

Quote from: Mike Scott on April 23, 2009, 03:43:36 PM
Yeh, that was from the guy who never (ever) lets a negative Ferry comment (or positive Forry one) go by without jumping in to prove (with geometric logic) how wrong the commentor is.

For the record, that comment was made by Mirek L., the Administrator of The Latarnia Forums (forum for fans of foreign horror films). He's a decent guy, I think, but I do disagree with him often. (And the "blood" comment was unfortunate and dismayed me, but honestly, it was no worse than some comments made *here*.) To be fair, he doesn't do all that much "jumping in" at the CHFB, where the comment was made. He pretty much sticks to Latarnia, far as I can tell. Maybe you were thinking of Ted Newsom.

Mike Scott

Quote from: The Drunken Severed Head on April 23, 2009, 11:16:37 PM
For the record, that comment was made by Mirek L. . . . To be fair, he doesn't do all that much "jumping in" at the CHFB

But to be accurate, he does it all the time.

Quote from: The Drunken Severed Head on April 23, 2009, 11:16:37 PM
Maybe you were thinking of Ted Newsom.

I try not to.
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The Drunken Severed Head


Quote from: michblk on April 21, 2009, 11:51:25 AM
Johnny, since you are writing for the new FM, you would be one of the reasons that I would check it out.  I do however hope that he chooses not stay associated with Ferry.

BTW, I enjoy your column in Scary Monsters very much and hope you continue to write for them.

Thank you for the kind words.  The latest update I got from Robert Aragon is that the stuff we've been reading is from RAY FERRY.  He issued a press release that made it sound like he and Phil Kim went into business.  That is untrue.  The only agreement they have is that Ferry can't use Famous Monsters and if he stops then Phil will stop suing him.  RIght now, because of Ferry the new FM has been moved back to October but there will be an FM sponsored event at Monstepalooza.  It's wrong that our legal system is so convoluted that Ferry can draw things out as long as he has while he pretends to be the victim.

Mike Scott

Quote from: Jscareshock on April 29, 2009, 08:00:48 AM
The only agreement they have is that Ferry can't use Famous Monsters and if he stops then Phil will stop suing him.

Apparently, the only thing Ferry is giving up is the word "Famous". His "new" mag looks to be exactly like his old one, except the word "Famous" has been replaced by "Freaky". Freaky Monsters = FM. His website is even called filmlandclassics, so he can advertize his mag as "Freaky Monsters From FilmlandClassics". What did Phil get, again, for his $25K? Oh yeh, the word "Famous"! (Expensive word!)
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Mike, yeah, I see where you're coming from and it does look that way.  When I spoke to Phil, and this was months ago so I don't know if anything changed, apparently Ferry had a lot of archival material that was to be surrendered to Phil.

Mike Scott

Quote from: Jscareshock on April 29, 2009, 08:27:28 AM
apparently Ferry had a lot of archival material that was to be surrendered to Phil.

Do you know what that means, in any sort of detail?
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