Mego 8" Horror Figures - Wave 6

Started by Monsters For Sale, May 05, 2019, 02:05:08 AM

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Monsters For Sale

Monsters In Motion is listing a set of 5 new Mego monster versions for $75.00 pre-order, with no pictures available yet.  (Entertainment Earth is also taking pre-orders.)

PRE-ORDER NOW!  $74.99
Mego Horror 8" Action Figure Wave 6 Set of 5 Figures, Frankenstein, Dracula, Nosferatu, Freddy and Wolf Man

-New Werewolf - Full Body Flock and New Outfit.
-Frankenstein - Bare Chested with Painted Stitches and Reconstructed with Different Body Parts.
-New Dracula - Glow in the Dark with Purple Lined Cape.
-Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Different Version.
-Glow in the Dark Nosferatu with Black Coat.

Found the picture above at  Can't find pictures of the others, yet.

John Pertwee

Wow. Some of these sound really pathetic. A glow version of Nosferatu and Lugosi I get, but a third color for the cape lining? The new card art that leaves Chaney Jr. off is not very enticing.


Quote from: Monsters For Sale on May 05, 2019, 02:05:08 AM

Mego Horror 8" Action Figure Wave 6 Set of 5 Figures, Frankenstein, Dracula, Nosferatu, Freddy and Wolf Man

-New Werewolf - Full Body Flock and New Outfit.
-Frankenstein - Bare Chested with Painted Stitches and Reconstructed with Different Body Parts.
-New Dracula - Glow in the Dark with Purple Lined Cape.
-Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger Different Version.
-Glow in the Dark Nosferatu with Black Coat.

Found the picture above at  Can't find pictures of the others, yet.

There are a few more photos in the usual places, as well as the info that this wave is a "catch up" wave for overseas vendors and collectors - the first was not available to them. It is availabe wholesale in the States  for pre-order (imagine if these had been, say AU ONLY), BUT in a larger assortment than the previous horror wave, making it even less attractive for many retilers. Word to the wise is, if you want these variations, order them, they are highly unlikey to make the larger rounds that the previous wave has.

Shannon aka monsieurmonkey on UMA Y!

Monsters For Sale

Quote from: darkmonkeygod on May 05, 2019, 09:44:35 AM
...  Word to the wise is, if you want these variations, order them, they are highly unlikey to make the larger rounds that the previous wave has. 

I don't think that fact is gonna break many hearts.

aura of foreboding

According to MEGO, the Freddy Kreuger's WB license has been pulled, so no more Freddys after June.  They don't say why. 

Anton Phibes


Wow!  As excited as I was for the Mego Nosferatu figure, I am equally disinterested in this entire wave of variant rubbish.  Really...a 3rd Dracula in a purple cape?!  Laughable!


This forum has become worse than facebook in terms of a signal to noise ratio, saddening to see the effort that makes it so. I fold. Enjoy.
Shannon aka monsieurmonkey on UMA Y!

Monsters For Sale

Quote from: darkmonkeygod on May 06, 2019, 01:00:38 AM
This forum has become worse than facebook in terms of a signal to noise ratio, saddening to see the effort that makes it so. I fold. Enjoy. 

Product info to personal critique ratio too skewed?   I get that.  I am aware of contributing more than my share to the critical side of things.

But, toy producers must share a little in the blame.  They issue far too little information about their new lines.  People will chew over what little knowledge they have available.

I bought the first new line Mego Frankenstein, even though he had no electrodes - just for the different figure.  I can't get exited about several variations on that figure.  Maybe, If they had dressed him in a sheepskin coat and beefed up his look for a Son of Frankenstein version...  But they didn't.

If I was a Dracula collector, I sure would have welcomed the first vampire doll, and since there is so little Lugosi-looking product, I may have been tempted by a variation or two of that one.

For me, too many of their current dolls look like generic product of the type I have seen coming out of Mexico (No. I'm not beating up on them) over the years.  OK toys for people who really can't afford better - let alone licensing fees.

If you stop trying to bring us back to the "signal" side at the UMA, I will miss you.

Mike Scott

Quote from: darkmonkeygod on May 06, 2019, 01:00:38 AM
This forum has become worse than facebook

Is it really that bad? I've heard FB is pretty bad. If it's that bad, I may leave, myself. Maybe the UMA has worn out it's welcome. We probably do seem like a dinosaur to all the little thumb clickers out there.

Shannon, I'd hate to see you go! You're one of our oldest (going back to the Yahoo group) and most knowledgeable members. If you're truly unhappy, I wouldn't want to stand in your way.
Visit My Monster Magazines Website

Monsters For Sale

Quote from: Mike Scott on May 06, 2019, 08:58:54 AM
Is it really that bad?...   

I'm hoping it was his physical fatigue from the bronchitis talking.

UMA has certainly seemed a lot better than MUCH of the "discussions" on the Interwebnet.  Those folks talk like they would be killing each other if they knew their real names and where they lived.

On the hopeful side...  Anyone know when Super 7 is finally gonna give us the Soaky-styled bottles/figures that they dangled before us so l-o-n-g ago?

Anton Phibes

 All I said was "no". As in, they aren't getting any of my money. I don't do variants. Never have, never will. Kudos to everyone who does.  Catch 'em all. :angel:


There is a distinct difference between being rude and sarcastic to someone on these social forums, and simply voicing a critical opinion about a subject.  People really need to stop being so sensitive about negative comments.  Frankly, if they are that sensitive about negativity or criticism, then they probably shouldn't be on social media in the first place.  From my experience on the UMA, I believe the vast majority of us on here are respectful of one another, and show great care, concern and knowledge for these things that we love.  Most people on here are generally positive, funny and supportive in their comments, but it is OK to voice negative criticism every now and then if it is honestly how you feel about a subject.  Just my take...


 I'm probably the biggest a-hole here, when it comes to rude comments and harsh critiques. I mean no personal insults to anyone ( except, maybe, Hepcat). We are grown men arguing about toys. How seriously should any of us be taken? Btw, my wallet is staying where it is, until I get a chartreuse-shirted Wolfman.

The comments about Hep were meant in jest (kinda).


I don't know darkmonkeygod so I wouldn't presume to speak for him (or her?) but I do think I understand where he is coming from. This also has nothing to do with Mego's because, for the most part, I don't care about them one way or the other.

I don't have social media at all (no Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, NOTHING).  This forum is the closest I come to anything remotely social media. That said, I am very familiar with each of these platforms. Unfortunately an inordinate percentage of people turn into 2 different "Monsters" on social media:

Mr. Hyde
If a person were the noble (albeit flawed) Dr. Jekyll in real life these social media outlets are without a doubt where they drink their elixir and exhibit all of their inner Mr. Hyde. They let all of the filth and negativity they can muster spew onto these platforms. Real life weaklings can become keyboard mob leaders with a single negative post and the power of that is intoxicating to cowards. Meanwhile in real life they can be a decent human being (at least in the beginning). But sadly over time I've seen the social media Mr. Hyde start to take root and become who people are in their real life as well. They let the destructive (and irrational) mob mentality of social media start to shape what they believe. Who they hate. Who they are as a person. These people rarely spend even a few minutes analyzing a situation or circumstance and coming to their own conclusion (or even trying to research what is true). They just go with the minute mob because it's easy, and because the mob often wins the day (even if the frenzied mob has lost their collective minds). Then on to the next victim.

Dorian Gray
I'll keep this brief, but the image people project of themselves in social media is often laughably reflective of Mr. Gray's facade. I've seen people look with envy at the absolutely wondrous and luxurious life portrayed by many in their social media accounts only to know that these people's real life resembles the aged and decayed Portrait of Dorian Gray. It's actually sad.

I say all this because I imagine, like me, darkmonkeygod comes here to UMA as a refuge from the garbage that is so very prevalent on social media and in real life. No, this place is nothing like Facebook. And I am no lightweight when it comes to taking or dolling out criticism when warranted (you'll just have to trust me on this). But sometimes, I'll admit, the negativity is a bit off putting if only because some look to UMA as a refuge for like minded monster loving dorks. I am new here and don't want this to look like I'm lecturing. I'm not. This place is awesome. I totally understand giving an honest critique or criticism of a particular toy, or movie or whatever.  Sometimes it just seems like piling on.