Bowla Lugosi

Started by Scatter, October 28, 2010, 03:06:13 PM

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Love it!  He turned out GREAT!!!
John Tucky
X-O Facto
"If you go through life without any expectations, you'll never be disappointed."


Just look at that!
A pinch of this here and there and voila!  A masterpiece!  Sheer genious!
Laura ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Opera Ghost

...and you said that you were not that creative! What a great and inspired Project. Well done Family Scatter!
"In each of us, two natures are at war--the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer..."

Dr. Madd

I guess you can pick up the 7-10 SPLAT! Awesome work. I wanna see the Frankenstein one.
Madd The Impaler-

Dr. Madd- The Original- accept no subsitutes.


Well....?   HOW'D THE BOY DO!!!??  Who's legs does UP have to break if Count Strike-ula didn't win?

The Creeper

That is very cool and imaginative!  I love it!  And it makes a great Halloween decoration.  Did he win?
Long live the UMA!

Unknown Primate

Quote from: Sean on November 09, 2010, 03:39:20 PM
Well....?   HOW'D THE BOY DO!!!??  Who's legs does UP have to break if Count Strike-ula didn't win?

Strike-ula!  That's great!!
" Perhaps he dimly wonders why, there is no other such as I. "


Nope, he didn't even place. Why?? Were the winning pins simply spectacular?? Hell no. A bunch of stickers. They just picked the pins made by the littlest kids. Total crap.  If it wasn't going to be an actual contest, then why bother?

Jordan had competition from 2 other pins. One was a cool knight, the other was a Mr Potato Head pin. Those 2 and Jordan's were head and shoulders above anything else there, but not one was a winner. I despise PC garbage like that..........."Oh, we don't want anyone to feel bad or actually COMPETE, so we'll just choose the lowest common denominator lest anyone become marred by the tragedy of losing." And we wonder why we're raising a generation of pansies.

Well, Jordan worked hard on that pin. An honest loss I could handle, and you can teach a kid something about sportsmanship and the joy of competition for its own sake from that. All we learned from this is that some contests are rigged. Jackasses.
We're all here because we're not all there.

Opera Ghost

Quote from: Scatter on November 09, 2010, 05:06:56 PM
Nope, he didn't even place. Why?? Were the winning pins simply spectacular?? Hell no. A bunch of stickers. They just picked the pins made by the littlest kids. Total crap.  If it wasn't going to be an actual contest, then why bother?

Jordan had competition from 2 other pins. One was a cool knight, the other was a Mr Potato Head pin. Those 2 and Jordan's were head and shoulders above anything else there, but not one was a winner. I despise PC garbage like that..........."Oh, we don't want anyone to feel bad or actually COMPETE, so we'll just choose the lowest common denominator lest anyone become marred by the tragedy of losing." And we wonder why we're raising a generation of pansies.

Well, Jordan worked hard on that pin. An honest loss I could handle, and you can teach a kid something about sportsmanship and the joy of competition for its own sake from that. All we learned from this is that some contests are rigged. Jackasses.

The fix was on was it....Hmmmmmm....I thinks we need to call the boys in on this one....Whats this kids address?
"In each of us, two natures are at war--the good and the evil. All our lives the fight goes on between them, and one of them must conquer..."

Unknown Primate

" Perhaps he dimly wonders why, there is no other such as I. "


So sorry to hear, Scatter. I don't get this stuff either. When I was a kid and we played games with my parents, they actually *gasp* won sometimes! We learned to accept failure. I think it's an essential part of growing up. But I meet a ton of kids now (I work on a college campus) who seem to think everything is owed to them. I wonder why?

Dr. Madd

Quote from: Scatter on November 09, 2010, 05:06:56 PM
Nope, he didn't even place. Why?? Were the winning pins simply spectacular?? Hell no. A bunch of stickers. They just picked the pins made by the littlest kids. Total crap.  If it wasn't going to be an actual contest, then why bother?

Jordan had competition from 2 other pins. One was a cool knight, the other was a Mr Potato Head pin. Those 2 and Jordan's were head and shoulders above anything else there, but not one was a winner. I despise PC garbage like that..........."Oh, we don't want anyone to feel bad or actually COMPETE, so we'll just choose the lowest common denominator lest anyone become marred by the tragedy of losing." And we wonder why we're raising a generation of pansies.

Well, Jordan worked hard on that pin. An honest loss I could handle, and you can teach a kid something about sportsmanship and the joy of competition for its own sake from that. All we learned from this is that some contests are rigged. Jackasses.

Madd The Impaler-

Dr. Madd- The Original- accept no subsitutes.


May I suggest a different approach?

The folks at Castle Scatter are looking at a great opportunity, here.   
Do you live in an area that has a county fair? 
How about a community arts festival?
Any local coffee houses, indie bookstores?

Get more pins and start creating.  Make bad-pun names-- Frankpinstein; Phantom of the Pinsetter;  Bowlis Karlof;  Creature  from the black gutter; and so forth.  Create a Universal Monster Army pin collection.  Enter it in arts/craft contests.  Find a venue that will display local arts and see if they will display them.

Success is the best revenge.

Err . . . Not that i'm advocating revenge.

Ok I am-- but in a good way!

You see the kid getting the shaft--I see the work of a talented and creative kid that could go far!


Quote from: Fester on November 10, 2010, 01:32:10 AM
May I suggest a different approach?

The folks at Castle Scatter are looking at a great opportunity, here.   
Do you live in an area that has a county fair? 
How about a community arts festival?
Any local coffee houses, indie bookstores?

Get more pins and start creating.  Make bad-pun names-- Frankpinstein; Phantom of the Pinsetter;  Bowlis Karlof;  Creature  from the black gutter; and so forth.  Create a Universal Monster Army pin collection.  Enter it in arts/craft contests.  Find a venue that will display local arts and see if they will display them.

Success is the best revenge.

Err . . . Not that i'm advocating revenge.

Ok I am-- but in a good way!

You see the kid getting the shaft--I see the work of a talented and creative kid that could go far!

Oh, have no doubt, we are still going to complete our Universal Monster Army of bowling pins. I hadn't thought of entering them anywhere else, but that's not a bad idea either.
We're all here because we're not all there.


  I think Fester had a great idea!  Let Jordan experience what a REAL contest is like.

The children of the night.  What music they make!