What we (UMA'ers) grew up on??? Remembering the fun.

Started by marsattacks666, July 23, 2011, 11:39:04 AM

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I've wanting to start a thread sometime on what all of us here at UMA was the inspiration to our collecting.
What influenced us growing up? There has been so much pop culture influence on our MINDS
We as fan(atic)s of all things that had an impact on our childhood. Such as: cinema, music, art,
family member, best friend or etc.

I myself, growing up through the '70s and '80s, there was so much cool stuff to influence a young being.
Some of my dearest memories were at a early age and living in Rochester, NY. I would watch CHILLER Theatre
with my Mother and Grandmother. Also going to the Midtown mall with my parents and buying me MEGO and AHI
action figures. As life changes, I eventually moved to Las Vegas. Still, I have fantasic memories of my Las Vegas
childhood years.

Again, so much cool memories. A couple more memories I want to add. One of them being: 7-11 Monsters cups.
Now those were the coolest cups. My friends and I would go to our nearest 7-11 every week and buy the cups.
Especially when King Kong was released in theatres.

So, come you UMA'ers! Let's see your stories, ancedotes and memories of childhood past.

    "They come from the bowels of hell; a transformed race of walking dead. Zombies, guided by a master plan for complete domination of the Earth."


I would have to say.....

I remember my first Planet of the Apes movie experience.
There was an APE marathon in the 70's, all five movie. Awesome, is best
described. After that, I went Ape crazy and purchased all POTAs merchadise.


I totally remember the POTAs marathon, I lived it. Lol
    "They come from the bowels of hell; a transformed race of walking dead. Zombies, guided by a master plan for complete domination of the Earth."


  I grew up with the weekend Drive- In Horrorama shows, and watching the classics on friday night/saturday noon Chiller shows in the late sixties and early seventies.  My obsession with all things monster took off when I discovered the Warren and Skywald magazines, which led to models, posters, masks, books -etc.    As soon as the ads in the back of these mags showed me I could OWN monsters as well as just watch them, I went impulsively insane.  As much as I love monster movies, I still have a deeper admiration for illustrated horror.


Dr. Paul Bearer and Horror Incorporated, the Monster Old Maid card game, and the Aurora Glow models are all to blame. They are what sparked the inspiration to reclaim my childhood and even give birth to the UMA back in 2002.

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The Famous Monster of Mpls.  Sayer of the law.


Oh boy, I think I can drum up a few here. I was a kid of the '80's in PA, not that the geography really matters.
My elementary school library actually had plenty of monster and horror related books for kids, among them were the awesome orange colored Crestwood House monster books.
My mom worked at a Hallmark store for a bit so at Halloween there was always some good monster stuff, one in particular was a coloring book that had pictures of all the classic monsters doing some terrible deed that you could color in. The pictures were accompanied by a bio of each monster and it was that book that taught me who Ricou Browning is.(I actually might still have that one, if I find it I'll scan it, you guys would probably dig it)
THE MONSTER SQUAD. I was about the same age as the kids in the movie. Had a cubby hole in my house that I converted into my own little monster clubhouse, influenced directly by the movie of course.
I could go on and on.


There were a number of defining moments in my younger days that turned me into the monster related toy enthusiast I am today:

1. The first was perhaps the "You'll Die Laughing" card set that Topps issued in 1959. These featured artwork by the legendary Jack Davis and are perhaps my favourite card set of all time. My association with these at the time didn't go beyond admiring the older kids' cards as I didn't yet have the disposable income to buy cards priced at five cents a pack.

2. My mother used to haunt the Kresge, Woolworths, Zellers and Metropolitan stores in downtown London looking for bargains I suppose. As a youngster I was invariably in tow. I didn't mind of course as there was always the chance I could score a dish of ice cream at the restaurant counter these stores typically featured. And of course there was never a shortage of other items to occupy a young boy's interest, goldfish, little turtles, budgies and all those toys! It was on one of those trips to Kresge that I came face to face with a Great Garloo, which I immediately brought to my mother's attention. With a sticker price in the twenty dollar area, there was just no chance I'd be given one though.

3. It was some time in 1961(?) that my buddy and I took in a double bill featuring the "Curse of Frankenstein"  and the "Horror of Dracula" at the Capitol Theatre in downtown London. My buddy was so frightened by the events on the screen that he actually closed his eyes during the graveyard scene in the Dracula movie. I was made of sterner stuff but these movies were like none I'd seen before and left a profound mark on my impressionable young mind.

4. I energetically collected the "Spook Stories" card set that Leaf issued in 1961.

5.  It was in September of 1962 that I took in the "King Kong versus Godzilla" movie at the Odeon Theatre in downtown London. I was left awestruck.

6. Around that time I also succeeded in getting my mother to buy me a Hasbro Marble Maze at Woolworths. It featured pitfalls such as the Haunted Mountains, Devil's Pass, and Man Eating Plants and was the best toy I'd ever gotten to that point.

7. On another trip to Kresge within a few months  I came upon the Aurora monster models. Up to that point I'd just dabbled on the fringes of monster culture but those Aurora kits were so awesome that they sent me right off the deep end. Although I was most attracted to the Creature at first, it was the Mummy, Bride of Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Flivver I ended up building.

8. At some point I also became aware of the Revell line of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth Fink model kits. Rat Fink and Angel Fink would be the two I'd build. I also bought a T-shirt Iron-On Transfer of Brother Rat Fink which I successfully applied to one of my shirts which my disgusted father promptly used as a rag in the garage. I never built any of the Hawk Weird-Ohs but a buddy down the street had an assembled Francis the Foul.

9. By selling fifteen newspapers on a Saturday morning, I earned a prize beyond my wildest dreams - that being a Standard Plastics monster wallet featuring Wolfman and the Creature, albeit it was the one with the Mummy that seemed to be the most popular with the other fellows.

10. I then made the biggest score of my young life on a family trip to Detroit to visit relatives. I got my father to buy me a "Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist Laboratory"! My two best buddies were more than eager to be my demented half-brained lab assistants and enthusiastically fetched tapwater for me while I mixed up the concoctions.

Here are some pics I've lifted off the net:

Unfortunately, this fabulous set disappeared when I went off to boarding school for grade nine. I believe my father must have given it away to the snot-nosed kid down the street. Nonetheless, this set was the key to turning me into a monster enthusiast for life.

11. Trick or treating on Halloween with my two best buddies in 1964 I was given one card in a generic wrapper. Opening it up we discovered the "Hairy Fiend" card from the Topps "Mars Attacks" set. We were awestruck since "Mars Attacks" cards had not been distributed in London and we had therefore never seen any. Without the wrapper, we failed to even figure out the name of the set despite the Mars Attacks title on the back!

12. A few months later I discovered "'Big Daddy' Roth" magazine on the newstand and ended up getting all four issues. I dutifully did as the ad suggested and sent away to Roth Studios in California for a Rat Fink sweatshirt, which my father just as dutifully turned into yet another rag.

13. I'd also discovered the first issue of "Creepy" magazine on the newstand while checking to see if the new "Green Lantern" or "Flash" comic books had come in and was immediately taken by the Jack Davis artwork on the cover and the stories inside. I ended up becoming a big Warren Publications fan and remember haunting neighbourhood stores waiting for the first issue of "Eerie" to hit the newstands. Curiously though I never bought "Famous Monsters of Filmland" magazine because I thought it was for bigger kids!

Collecting! It's what I do!


Hep! You sure have your influences in a row! For me it's a wild mix in no set order, I don't think.
     Roy Rogers and the Lone Ranger on TV.......Monster Laughs, Mars Attacks and baseball cards, a quaint little hobby shop where I bought Aurora, Hawk, Revell and any other airplane model that caught my eye.......that led to the monster models and winning the Aurora Monster Maker Contest (early 60's)......and cannot forget to mention the comic books......oh the comic books! Got serious about them with approx. Amazing Spiderman #14. Amassed a very nice collection, opened a comic store, got big into comic original art and collecting toys  mid-70s. Retired early with the sale of the comics and original art.
    The thrill of finishing out the numeric runs of those early card sets, and completing entire baseball team sets definitely led to my lifelong desire to gather and gather and gather!  The fun will continue, and the unexpected and thrilling finds will never cease.....till I do.........Love, Buddy


I think my earliest memory of anything fantastic and other-worldly was Flash Gordon. Then the Superman TV series and toy dinosaurs. My first legit MONSTER memory was sneaking out of bed to spy on my Dad who was watching The Thing on Chiller in Chicago. He invited me into his easy chair (unbeknownst to Mom) and I was hooked. In 62 we moved to Mpls. and my brothers and I were into making models (WW!! aircraft of course since Dad flew Hellcats and Corsairs) and he brought home either Aurora's Dracula or Frankenstein, from then on it was all monsters all the time  - FMOF, Outer Limits, Saturday Horror Incorporated (Uni classics) - on after "Epic Theatre" which was Hercules stuff, the monster cards, rubber spiders, my neighborhood friends had our own MONSTER club, Creepy, etc. til I teened out and got too cool for that kids stuff and picked up a guitar. So I missed all the excellent 70s MONSTER stuff. Many years later as a married Dad I noticed the Monogram glow in the dark reissues and something clicked in my head that screamed "Hey I love this stuff!" and I started collecting in earnest. I had a very happy childhood if I still draw on it for strength.
I also collect dinosaurs, army men and Superman stuff.
And now I have a whole new bunch of friends! Long live the UMA.


Quote from: Hepcat on July 23, 2011, 07:11:49 PM

3. It was some time in 1961(?) that my buddy and I took in a double bill featuring the "Curse of Frankenstein"  and the "Horror of Dracula" at the Capitol Theatre in downtown London.

That, sir, is (*at*)#$%ing AWESOME


Quote from: bigbud on July 23, 2011, 07:47:53 PM
...that led to the monster models and winning the Aurora Monster Maker Contest (early 60's)....

My hats off to you! Now that's an achievement in my book.

Collecting! It's what I do!


Planet of the Apes movies...
King Kong, Son of Kong & Mighty Joe Young on Thanksgiving...
The 4:30pm Movie--Sci Fi Week...
Hammer Films on late Saturday Mornings...
Chiller Theater...
Abbott & Costello Meet (fill in the blank)...
Sinbad movies...


QuoteMy hats off to you! Now that's an achievement in my book.

Thanks Hep. I entered the Mummy. I glued tiny strips of old T-shirt to him. Covered him entirely in cloth wrap. Took quite awhile to do.  As I remember he really did turn out good.........Buddy


Ahhhhhhhhhh.........flashback!  Sitting on my living room floor in Kalamazoo Michigan, drinking chocolate milk- watching the Munsters- playing with my Munsters paper dolls.........yeah!
Picking out my Halloween costume- usually the brand that came in a bag that you used as a trick or treat bag (yeah right! we used pillowcases), unless I decided to make my own costume, which I did 50 percent of the time.
Playing with my precious Show N Tell and listening to my favorite record -Disney's The Headless Horseman.
I was obsessed with my Strange Change Machine ( Ahhh, I love that smell), and re-enacting monster movie scenes in my room. After watching Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman on the projector, I would stage an elaborate fight with a large teddy bear I had- hahaha!!
Anyway, after I was about 6 or 7 years old ( late 60s)- Saturday belonged to Sir Graves Ghastly.     :)


Quote from: charp13 on July 24, 2011, 02:03:56 PM
Anyway, after I was about 6 or 7 years old ( late 60s)- Saturday belonged to Sir Graves Ghastly.     :)
  I'm envious of all you who actually had horror hosts to present the creature feature shows, all I got was the movie itself.