The continuing storyline discussion and feedback thread.

Started by Wicked Lester, June 27, 2009, 03:51:19 PM

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Hey, Dr. Teuful Geist, you're breaking your own rule about not posting twice in a row! I'm guessing you're trying to jump start the storyline again. I thought I was doing the same by being clever with the Johnny FM dream thing by changing the main character and adding enough 60's references to set up a clearer setting but that turn out to be a DOH! move.

Maybe a new start is in order.

Dr.Teufel Geist

Yeah, Wicked Lester asked me, what do we do if no one writes for a while, should we post again?
So, if no one post for a long time, feel free to post and keep this story going, I dont mind the reference to the child dream,
but I didnt want the story to be some kid's dream, so I worked with it, you'll see that, as I used it again, into #13's past memories.


We'll see what happens. Seems like it's reset with the mirror deal. If it runs out steam, I don't think it'd be a problem to start a new one. Call it a sequel... or a prequel. Anything is possible as we have seen.

On the 60's kid dream, I wanted to steer the story to the 60's and the kid could have become a Billy Mumy character wishing things into the cornfield.

Dr.Teufel Geist

That's cool and all Ink, but I would like for us to steer away from used material and use our brain cells for fresh material.
That way people wont say, you copied that from twilight zone episode, or that was in that movie" blah blah".

Wicked Lester

I thought the kids dream thing was a neat twist but IMO it would have runout of steam pretty quick. Also some of the stuff in the first few pages would have been over a kid's head to even dream about. Half naked girl being tormented by a hunchback with a blow torch. A 1930s character named The Shadow. Ancient Sumerian transcripts. Secret Circle of hunters. All very weird menace.

Also the time period and locations seem too jumpy. 1930s,1970s? I just re-read the whole thing. Seems like we are settled on 1970's.? Where the werewolf gets shot,guess they forgot about silver bullets. Or has the green liquid made him immune and a new way of killing him has to be discovered?
Anyway this is still fun. Let's try to keep this going for a while. I usually only add something if I feel it's a solid addition or the last post ending just totally clicks with a quick idea.

Dr.Teufel Geist

There's the kicker, he's not a full blood werewolf, he's an Alien Hybrid Werewolf, the green vile is poison, but it's Alien poison.
Silver bullets wont kill him, he's the Ultimate Monster.

Dr.Teufel Geist