Frankenstein Life Size - Original from 1935

Started by tfig8, January 26, 2013, 01:56:27 PM

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Hi Guys,
I'm new here, but I am a long time collector.

I have a one of a kind Life Size Frankenstein, an exact mold of Boris Karloff, down to the finger prints. He was created by Universal to promote the movie Bride of Frankenstein. He looks incredible.

I have decided to part with him- I was wondering if anyone out here might be interested in it? This is not a third party creation or a prop that was mass produced. He was created by Universal Pictures.

Complete provenance available. Serious inquires only, please. Sorry guys, but this is a high-end item  :o

thanks everyone,



Can you tell us more about the provenance?
Assuming all checks out, this piece deserves to be in a major auction, not sold on a message board.

Scary Terry

Are there vintage pics of this? Where/how was it used?  Out of my collecting league, of course -- but I'm curious as heck.
Scary Terry


Definitely a cool piece...but out of my price range as well!!  What is the statue made of!?

Monster Bob

The head is made of silicone, so obviously "newer", aka not 1935, which is what I assumed.



Quote from: Monster Bob on January 27, 2013, 05:11:59 PM

The head is made of silicone, so obviously "newer", aka not 1935, which is what I assumed.

That's kind of what I figured.

Monster Bob

I'd like to see how it can be proven that it actually sports Karloff's fingerprints, or how they would have been obtained.

BTW, THIS is a movie-era (1935) BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN promo head, made of wax, wood, glass, and hair.


Monster Bob, your collection continues to amaze!


Hey Guys,
I didn't want to post images until I could totally figure out the details of the figure. It's clearly not from 1935 as was suggested to me- After communicating with many collectors and some artist the information still isn't completely clear.

What I understand is that the hands and legs are more than likely CineArt - which have been beautifully customized. The head is unknown.  I've spoken with artist who are very familiar with the CineArt head, and they stated that it;s not a CineArt head. Also, I'm not sure if it's silicone- One collector has stated it is made of Wax, but I'm not certain.

I was told that this was a promotional item - created by a Universal Pictures Artist and used for promotional purposes. I am still working on figuring out exactly where it came from. I have the name of the Artist who created him, however I haven't been able to find any other solid details. I had what I thought was a solid provenance, but after researching and investigating it seems that provenance isn't exactly what I was given. Thanks to many of the good people on this board for helping me out.  Nonetheless - this life size figure is highly detailed and beautiful. I haven't seen another like it nor have many of the country's top collectors. So there is still some potential for this unique Frankenstein.   


Looks like something from a wax museum. 
Any dead Madame Tussaud museums (or knock offs) in the area?

I Noticed the right index finger is missing in the photos.  So, what is the hand made of?  Silicone?  If so, that puts it in the early 1950s at best.

Monsters For Sale

Not familiar with the bust or artist - It's attractive but not original to the figure.

But the body is all Cine ART.  The hands and feet are most definitely Cine ART issues.  I have an original salesman's 3-ring binder and they match EXACTLY.

Hands have been made darker than originally issued, but even then the knuckles and fingernails were blackened. 

The body type and pose is just the standard Cine ART Frank with clothes that have been darkened to improve the original green jacket color.*  The Cine ART stone base is missing – but, viewing the pictures side-by-side with my saleman's book, there is no mistaking what it is.

Circa 1995-2000.

Looks a lot like a Cine ART full-body figure fell off a loading dock and was salvaged with a replacement bust.

Try to love it for what it is.

* Actually, only one of the salesman's binder pictures make the jacket look green.  All of the others look black.  Must have been flash reflection off the material.


Toy Ranch

I think the head is Cine Arts as well. At least it started in life as a Cine Arts head, and was probably recast and retooled a bit. The main elements match the Cine Arts head, I think.  The 2nd head staple is rougher, like it was cast and applied. There are fewer details, like forehead wrinkles, etc. and it's overall smoother. No texturing around the burn scar, which is barely visible. If someone made a cast of a Cine Arts head, retooled it a little to turn it into a "Bride" era monster, and spit it out, I think that is what it is.