Lets Hear Your Men In Black 3 Movie Review!!!!!!!!

Started by emazers, May 25, 2012, 08:19:43 AM

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"First Thing When The Movie is Over its Over, No Extra Scenes during or After the Final Credits"
I thought Men in Black 3 was very good, And Be Sure and see it in IMAX 3-D or Regular 3-D The 3-D Was Very Good. Movie had lots of Action, Monsters and it was Pretty Funny.  7/10 Score.


I thought it was just so so, but worth seeing altogether. MIB2 really turned me off from the franchise and while MIB3 is better than 2 it still falls short of the potential I saw in this franchise after pt 1. It falls between 2.5-3.0 stars out of 5 for me.


Took first place at the box office.  I'll be seeing it later in the week.
John Tucky
X-O Facto
"If you go through life without any expectations, you'll never be disappointed."