The Strangers

Started by djrad, May 31, 2008, 07:07:25 PM

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This was an average film, and not too bad for a matinee :-) However, this movie was very predictable. Why do these first time directors think they can get away with basing their movies, i mean " remakes " on other vastly superior movies ( THEM ). Why don't they impress us instead with fresh new ideas ? why copy someone else's work ?
It doesn't matter that this project may have started about three or four years ago. it stills looks a lot like THEM, except that THEM was a great movie, and this one was mediocre.  I have some other negative criticisms, but it would give some of the film away (maybe after some of you respond).

The best thing about the film was the director's extensive use of sound design to create atmosphere and tension. Yet, they didn't punctuate the jump scares with the usual cheesy orchestral stings that attempt to startle us out of our seats. The movie's peaks and valleys are much subtler – and scarier. The director seemed to appreciate the fact that  a quiet background movement, timed right, can work better than a character leaping into the frame. Some of the imagery he constructed was pretty cool.

All in all, I give it a C+


I just came home from seeing this and enjoyed it pretty well.  What made it more intriguing (and scary) was their tag "Inspired by true events".   


Stop reading in case the following may take anything away from your interest in seeing it.  Not a spoiler but...

My wife and I were both anxious to get home and read about the "true events" surrounding this movie.  I won't say what they were but it appears there were no such actual events.   It was a conglomeration of the director's childhood memory mixed with either the Charles Manson murders and/or the Keddie cabin murders from 1981.   Bogus dates of events and made up character names.  For me, it took the scary steam out of the movie to learn that none of this actually took place and that the "bad guys/gals" aren't really still out there.   My wife was relieved to learn it wasn't actually true.  I say go see it and have fun getting your shtuff scared out of you a bunch of times.  Three and a half stars.

Creepy Jeff
"Work...Finish.  Then sleep!"