Post an Image of a Favourite Monster or Sci-Fi Collectible!

Started by Hepcat, May 13, 2016, 10:01:15 AM

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A very fondly remembered promotion in the late fifties by Nabisco was the distribution in cereal boxes of dinosaur figures that were likely based on the ones put out by Lido:

The ten "Lido" dinosaurs above were also given away with Fritos Corn Chips in the late 1960's in most often a brownish colour.

When Nabisco revisited its dinosaur premium giveaway in the late sixties, the dinosaurs distributed were made by MPC:

The vast majority of the MPC dinosaurs were sold on blister cards and in play sets from around 1964 through the 1970's.

Collecting! It's what I do!


Here are scans of a few more of my Creepy magazines:


Collecting! It's what I do!


If you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it.


Collecting! It's what I do!


Here's a picture of Toyranch's Monster Candy cigarette box collection:

Collecting! It's what I do!


Another character actor that Charlton Publications helped turn into a multi-media sensation was Konga.

Konga exploded onto the silver screen in 1961 with this American International Pictures release:

Charlton then provided Konga with a vehicle for his literary endeavours with a 23 issue run of his own title plus a couple of similarly titled one-shots from 1961 to 1965:

Konga then co-authored this issue with another multi media star in 1966:

Collecting! It's what I do!


If you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it.


Here from Toyranch's collection are a couple of vending machine cards loaded with monsterific goodness:


Collecting! It's what I do!


Here then are the pictures I've taken over the years of my own two Standard Plastics monster wallets:


Collecting! It's what I do!


Here are a couple of photos of my Marx Nutty Mads Bagatelle Game:

Collecting! It's what I do!


If you want to view Paradise, simply look around and view it.


Fabulous! Mint-on-card Palmer or MPC monsters can't be beat.

Collecting! It's what I do!


Diener Industries manufactured a series of soft rubbery monster figures that were given away in McDonald's Happy Meals in the late seventies:

Vampire Bat Creature
Tree Trunk Monster
Veined Cranium Creature
Winged Amphibian Creature
Horned Cyclops
Gill Face Creature
Lizard Man

Each figure was issued in multiple colours including orange, yellow, green, blue and brown. Diener also issued these figures billed Erasers as carded rack toys or even loose in clear plastic bins under at least a couple names:

Light purple and it seems even grey coloured figures were made available with the other colours packaged within rack cards:

The only questions are whether the figures were available in Happy Meals before or after they were issued as rack toys, and whether the rubber of the figures found in Happy Meals was absolutely identical to the rubber of the figures issued otherwise.

Here's a good drawing of the Diener Space Creatures by Sean Hartter from the Retroist's blogspot:

Collecting! It's what I do!


Collecting! It's what I do!