Show your Monster Collection(s)

Started by hhwolfman, December 01, 2007, 12:29:21 PM

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Quote from: fmofmpls on December 03, 2007, 01:33:48 PM
It is indeed just that. I happen to own a loose head from this same puppet. It wasn't until Raymond brought an intact puppet to the Toy Tour that I finally got to see how this toy (or puppet) actually looks. And to be honest, it's a toy that is NOT on the top of my list of favorite collectibles. A bit too clownish for my own liking, but then I haven't looked in the mirror in a while either.  :)
The Famous Monster of Mpls.  Sayer of the law.


How bout some early monster room photos.

This one features the first girlfriend, Lynda. One wonders how there ever was a girl friend looking around the room!

Still have this poster.


"There is something wrong with us, very, very wrong with us"
Bill Murray - Stripes


Quote from: gracebuster on December 03, 2007, 05:54:38 PM
One wonders how there ever was a girl friend looking around the room!

Indeed! Girlfriends in monster rooms are as rare as Head Speakers. Make that girlfriends who are sincerely interested in monster rooms. I ended up marrying one who'd just as soon turn my monster room into a sewing room. >:(
The Famous Monster of Mpls.  Sayer of the law.


Morning, noon, or night, Anytime . . . . the count may strike. If you're caught you have to linger, Cause Dracula may bite your finger!


Is that Linda Blair?

No, but if I remember right her head did seem to spin around on a few occasions! LOL


I love the composition in that photo...awesome monster posters and girlfriend peeking out on the bottom!  I bet she thought she was getting top billing in that pic, too.  Shows where your priorities were, Dan...right where they should have been!!!  That is a classic.


Wow, so many impressive displays!
After being a member of UMA for so long, it's weird finally seeing some of these!
Did this new format unleash something in you all?



Quote from: Charlie on December 03, 2007, 07:02:21 PM
Did this new format unleash something in you all?

I think it has indeed Charlie...and I'm all the happier for it.  I'm in the middle of rearranging my room, so it will be a while before it's photo-worthy.  Still, I guess that saves something for later days.

I believe that this has been my first official post here since we opened the doors.  Been particulary busy this past weekend, and it was all I could do to keep up with the flurry of posts.  I'd say things are progressing nicely so far.



In my case, this is just easier to use and post pics, so I can actually post pics now. 


Hey Dan, on your avatar pic, is that a actual button?  If so, where can I get one?

"There is something wrong with us, very, very wrong with us"
Bill Murray - Stripes


Quote from: poseablemonster on December 03, 2007, 01:15:34 PM
I think that is a FUNWORLD hand puppet, 70's.  It went on the UMA Monster Toy Tour this past year.  Ray might know more about this toy than I do.
Do you have a pic of just the puppet? I'm curious to see what he looks like :)
Where apathy is master, all men are slaves.


It's not, but I was thinking of getting some made. I'll find you if I do. Arron Lewis made that up. He just joined tis board, as well.


That is a Funworld puppet, yes indeedy.  The eyes were originally filled with water.  They were sold in bags with header cards.  If anyone has the devil from this set, I'm your man.  I think I still have my childhood Funworld devil somewhere in the basement, but his eyes are long gone.  The Frankenstein is ok, but I really like the devil.  I've got "funworld devil" as a saved search on ebay.  Lots of Funworld stuff on ebay every Halloween, but so far no devil.

Quote from: fmofmpls on December 03, 2007, 01:33:48 PM
It is indeed just that. I happen to own a loose head from this same puppet. It wasn't until Raymond brought an intact puppet to the Toy Tour that I finally got to see how this toy (or puppet) actually looks. And to be honest, it's a toy that is NOT on the top of my list of favorite collectibles. A bit too clownish for my own liking, but then I haven't looked in the mirror in a while either.  :)
Raymond Castile


After this impressive parade of monster rooms, it is time for me to present the most exciting one of all - MINE!

Feast your eyes and glut your soul on this glorious display of monster goodness:

Yes, I know, you can't believe your eyes.  But it's true.  You are actually looking at nearly every AHI variation mint on card, carded Lincoln monsters, carded Tomland, boxed Remco and Mego monsters.  Wow!  Isn't it amazing to see them all in one place?

Do you want more?  Well get a load of this:

Don't faint.  Yes, you are looking at the rarest 60s monster treasures, all mint in boxes.  Who would have thought you would ever see all these items together at one place, at one time, in one photo!

But there is so much more!

Above, you will recognize what is truly an extraordinary collection of Don Post and Topstone masks.  There are some super-rare items in that picture, as anyone who knows their masks can plainly see.

You will notice that I have a unique display aesthetic.  I like to think of it as the "mint-in-box-in-box-in-box" approach.  It makes the collectibles seem that much more unattainable, even to their owner.

Now in this picture, I diverge slightly from my usual style.

This corner of the World's Greatest Monster Room breaks the rules by actually showing some of the toys themselves.  Rest assured, most of the toys in that photo are safely tucked away inside the pristine white chastity box.  But a few unclean relics have been strategically placed atop the box, exposed to human contact.  You will notice the dry cleaning bag to the right.  It symbolizes the dichotomy between the mint and the wretched.

A similar theme continues in this vignette.  It is carried even farther by the (gasp) OPENED toy package lying on top the boxes.  This merely underscores the dangers the toys inside the Xerox boxes face should they venture out into the world.  Their minty virtue will surely be spoiled.  The spoiler himself is represented by the sinister dinosaur to the left (left being the devil's side), waiting with hungry grin to ruin the toys should anyone foolishly open the boxes.

To contrast with this Kubric-ian sterility, I devised this astounding display in the style of early Darren Aronofsky with a little Quay Brothers mixed in for spice:

Let's take a closer look at the grunge side of my Incredible Monster Madness Room:

There are some subtle details worth pointing out in the above picture.  Notice how a Marx Mummy lies on top a Tomland Fly with its shoes off?  Could this be sexual metaphor?  Questions...  And what of the Eye-Lite Skull with a broken jaw?  What should we make of the boxed Flying Monkey atop the Boglin Slobster?  This oasis of garage sale decadence infects the surrounding boxes, which are starting to open, exposing the contents to the ravages of the world.

I spent many years building this intricate Monster Room, arranging the boxes just so.  Sometimes I will nudge a box a little to the left or right.  Other times I will stand on a box.  On rare occasions, I will even go inside a box and close the lid.  Sometimes I forget which box I put myself in.  Oh, I tell you, that can truly be a pickle!

Raymond Castile